New Music : Solo guitar album ‘unraveler’ is out now
Solo guitar album ‘Unraveler’ was released on December 1, 2023 (DOX Records)

interview-Pablo HEld Investigates Ella Zirina
Interview for the Pablo Held Investigates podcast/interview series.
Thank you to Pablo Held for the invitation and opportunity to talk about music!

Intertwined - Debut album is out
My debut album Intertwined, which was written in residency at BIMHUIS, was released on March 10, 2023 with BIMHUIS records.

1st single from my debut album is released today
‘‘Seymour FIling The Void’’ feat. Tineke Postma is released now

Performance at Südtirol Jazz Festival
Ella Zirina & Reinier Baas performance at the Südtirol Jazz Festival 2022

BIMHUIS presents new makers
On June 23 2022, Ella Zirina presented and performed her music with the Ella Zirina Trio + string quartet.
This project was supported by the BIMHUIS productions.

Album recording
The band went into Studio 150 Bethlehemkerk on June 3rd & 4th to record Ella’s debut album which will be released by February 2023.